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AJAX Javascript vanilla and Native metaboxes in 2.5 Visual Code Extension – Davidperezgar.com
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AJAX Javascript vanilla and Native metaboxes in 2.5 Visual Code Extension



I’ve updated my toolbox for developing in WordPress and mainly I’ve worked to make easy transients, Metaboxes and AJAX with Javascript vanilla. I’m working to remove jQuery from all of our developments.

At this time, it has more than 11.000 installations. It’s huge for me! You can download here WP Development Toolbox and more than 34.000 downloads.

This is the list:

Added snippets

  • (wpatra) Create transient for WordPress
  • (wpadef) WordPress Define default constants for Plugin
  • (wpamet) Register metabox for a Post Type
  • (gfapdf) GravityForms PDF – Set Templates directory to Plugin
  • (wprjq) Remove loading jQuery
  • (wpajxq) Ajax button with jQuery
  • (wpameu) Registers meta for a user

Updated snippets

  • (wpapuh) With Default contants
  • (wpamet) New Metabox fields
  • (wpajx) Updated AJAX with Javascript vanilla

Enjoy it and please make a review!

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