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Managing the next WordCamp Granada 2019 – Davidperezgar.com
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Managing the next WordCamp Granada 2019



For those of you who don’t know what a WordCamp is, please note that it is a meeting of Internet professionals around a common WordPress platform, which consists of two days: 1 day dedicated to Talks with speakers of great national and international relevance, and another day to contribute to WordPress in different ways: translations, design, marketing, plugins, themes, support, etc..

foto wc con lolo

This event is achieved thanks to the WordPress Foundation , which oversees the organization, budget and supervision as stipulated by its members.

From my point of view, having the opportunity to bring this important event to Granada, puts us on the map, and makes us more visible to companies and professionals in Spain.

After the previous WordCamp Granada, led by Fran Torres, in which I was responsible for site management and sponsorship, we were left with the desire to organize the next, and together with the team that there were more new incorporations, makes it possible that this year we also repeat.

asistentes wordcamp granada 2018

Thanks to the experience of the previous one, I have raised together with the team, to do several different things :

  • Try to have both days in the same place, as long as the budget allows. I think it will help to place the attendees better.
  • Nourished team with more planned tasks, so that we don’t stress the team (although last month, it will be all complicated). Because we must not forget that this work is voluntary.
  • That the home page presented what is a WordCamp, there Lorena, is doing an exceptional job.
  • Make a bigger WordCamp. Last year 297 tickets were sold and finished a month earlier, with requests to expand it more. Why not make it bigger?
  • Get a speaker’s dinner site near the Alhambra. Last year, they were stunned by Carmen de la Victoria.

Make a larger WordCamp

In the previous WordCamp, 290 people attended, including 30 speakers and 34 volunteers. And all the tickets were sold 1 month before, so I encouraged the team to get involved to reach 400 people. It’s a big number, but we’ll probably be able to do it.

For this year we have also had the Palacio de Congresos de Granada, and the Sala Manuel de Falla.

sala manuel falla palacio

A great team

And then I’d like to introduce you to the great team we’ve been able to put together. They are 13 people so that all this is possible and we can carry in a more or less regular way. Let’s not forget, this event is organized by volunteers.

jesus yesares 150x150

Jesús Yesares

Content Team Coordinator


Sacra Jáimez - Consultora de Marketing

Sacra Jáimez

Volunteer wrangler and Content Team


Antonio Martínez Implementador WordPress

Antonio Martínez

Catering wrangler


lolo marchal

Lolo Marchal

Sponsors wrangler


fran torres

Fran Torres

Programme wrangler and Speakers


antonio cantero

Antonio Cantero

Web Development and frontend




Graphic Design


miguelangel implementador

Miguel Ángel Pérez

Catering wrangler and Frontend


cecilia pastorino Diseñadora Gráfica

Cecilia Pastorino

Graphic Design

Jesus Nuño Profesor de inglés

Jesús Nuño

Content Team


Anabel Sánchez - Community Manager

Anabel Sánchez

Community Manager


roberto gallego

Roberto Gallego

Content Team


I’m happy with the great team we’ve put together. I think we’re going to do a great job and an exceptional WordCamp.

Podcast On the Way to WordCamp

And finally we have had the Jesus and I initiative to tell how we are organizing this WordCamp through a podcast. I encourage you to listen to the last chapter, which we interviewed Pablo Moratinos and Juan Hernando.

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